Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Post # 3 - Finding my mojo, not mojo jojo

The curses have come upon my writing. I think it's the 'my-writing-must-be-perfect' curse where I keep re-writing and editing and re-writing, eventually to delete it all. It can even be 'who-will-read-this?' curse which means that I almost always don't write what I feel like writing. Images of certain people (who shall not be named) keep popping into my mind as I write each word and you guessed it right, eventually the document finds its way into the trash bin. The worst one is the 'what-will-people-think?' curse which sort of hovers over everything I do. This final one usually stops me from sharing anything I write with anyone. 

Power Puff Girls reducing
Mojo Jojo to a pulp
So you see, I've lost my mojo. And I ain't no Power Puff girl to beat these curses to smithereens only to discover that the mojo was with me all the time, it was only that I had to believe in it. 

My issue with belief is this - is it a solitary thing? Or do we need others to believe in us in order to make ourselves believe in us? Is it a one way street or a dual carriage way? From personal experience I know that belief is something that can be affected by your environment. By those around you. Or am I trying to blame others for a fault of my own? I mean, the Power Puff Girls believe in their ability to fight and eliminate evil because the Professor (their creator), the mayor, and the city of Townsville believes in them. But belief also stems from within them because a) they possess certain powers and b) they've beaten up villains, including Mojo Jojo, a number of times. 

The wisdom I've gleaned from Blossoms, Buttercup and Bubbles is that I need to develop my powers and use them which will lead to belief. Belief in my writing, in my philosophy of living and of course, in myself. And it will help to beat the curses and any Mojo Jojo's who happen to come across my path. 

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