Saturday, January 12, 2019

Post # 1 - Resolutions: Evolution or confusion?

How further in into the new year does one start implementing new year resolutions? I ask because twelve days have passed and I’m yet to implement any one of my not-that-long list of resolutions. Mainly because the most important one, get more sleep, is just not happening! Even as I’m writing this, my mind is half-numb with lack of uninterrupted sleep. And a half-numb mind is a dangerous thing. Or in my case, boring.

I’m a believer in resolutions. But belief only doesn’t lead to execution. Or evolution. You see, the whole point of resolutions is to change into a better person - to evolve. But evolution takes time as Charles Darwin will vouch and a list of ten or something resolutions can't lead to major life changes. Or can it? 

The problem with resolutions is that we all tend to set lofty goals. For example you might say, ‘I’ll work on my work-life balance’. That sounds great but how do you propose to do it? What are the everyday steps you’re going to take towards tipping the balance? See, this is where it gets tricky. So when I resolve to write more, what do I mean? Will I write more blog posts, make entries in my journal or work on fiction? Similarly, when I resolve to read more, how do I plan to do it considering I have 18 month old twins? 

What I’ve realised this year is that the key to achieving my resolutions and thus, changing things for myself, is to set small goals. For every resolution I make, I need to have small everyday goals towards achieving that lofty goal. Yes, it all sounds so perfect and do-able but I know, deep down, that it isn’t going to be easy. But then, what is easy? And I think I’ve had enough of easy. Now I want to challenge myself and do things. And hopefully go places by doing those things and maybe, make an impact on the lives of others. 

Resolutions, if kept sincerely and followed through, do have the power to change your life. And it’s never too late to take control of your life and take it where you want. Even if it is just to the bed for a quick nap when the twins are out for their afternoon walk!

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