Thursday, March 14, 2019

post # 9 - The cause and effect phenomenon

We are all familiar with the cause and effect equation. Certain actions lead to certain effects. 

Eating too much (cause) = weight gain (effect)
Smoking = lung cancer
Drunk driving = accidents

It's quite simple, isn't it? Your action creates an impact, not just in your life but in that of those around you also. If you look up the phrase cause and effect, you'll come across this definition:

Cause and effect is a relationship between events or things, where one is the result of the other or others. 

The problem with us is that we only apply this principle to a catastrophe. We never think how much this principle governs our everyday lives. Every word we utter is powerful and has an impact. Our words, our expressions, even our tone can create a ripple effect in the lives of those around us. And this effect can be both positive or negative. Yet, we never really pay attention to this as we go about our everyday lives. 

I was like that. It was in ninth grade when my bestie told me (and only a BFF can and should do this) that girls in our grade had developed a dislike for me because I was very sarcastic. Especially when I played a team sport. Thus, I was one of the last people to be selected in the team. Not because  I didn't play well but because my constant criticism of my fellow team mates had a negative effect on everyone. I was shocked. I had never imagined that the comments I was making on and off the field were creating so much negativity. It was an eye opener and even though I didn't change overnight, I did make an effort. I'm actually still making an effort. Whenever someone makes a plan with me, personal or professional, guess who is the one who shoots it down immediately. *raises both hands* 

I've been thinking a lot about cause and effect since I've had the twins. Sounds very dramatic, doesn't it? My life changed when I had kids type of statement! But in all honesty, even with them, I'm still struggling with how to control my tone, my expressions, my words so that they don't get negative vibes from me. And it isn't easy. To remain calm in the middle of the night when a cranky toddler wakes you up and refuses to sleep requires a LOT of patience. 

But my life doesn't revolve around my kids only. There are so many others who I come across everyday and I know that a kind word, a smile, a warm greeting can lift the spirits of the other person. And maybe the positivity that my action generates might make their day better and subsequently the day of all others they interact with. Even if it just brings a smile on their face, it is enough. Every little action matters. Because I matter. As a person. And in the end, it all does come back to you, good or bad. Karma happens. I know it seems like a scenario out of a movie but then, movies are also made around stories from real life. Well, almost!


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