Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Day 2 - Where I talk about my 8 years on Twitter

I was a Twitter junkie till a few months back. I checked Twitter first thing in the morning and several times during the day. It was my go to place for all kinds of news and without reading the newspaper or watching television, I knew what was happening in the city, the country and the world. And then one morning I realized that I'd turned into a sponge. I was just absorbing news,  updates, viewpoints, rants and letting it all affect me. Didn't I have enough stress of my own? Why was I increasing it ten times more by reading stuff I didn't agree with or found outright unacceptable at times? 

I got off Twitter. My account still exists and the app is still on my phone but I'm not clicking on it every time I turn on my phone. It was weird at first to not be abreast of what was happening in the world but at the same time, it was strangely liberating. I was free of hearing what others had to say and even though most of the people I follow are ones whom I like, they're still 'others' and I guess I'm at a point in my life where I don't want to hear what they have to say. Not because what they are saying is pointless or unimportant but because everything they say affects me deeply. 

Maybe being a new mom has made me sensitive and more fragile. Maybe seeing my grandparents grow old and helpless has made me sad and question the meaning of life. I don't know what it is but I just feel Twitter isn't the space for me at the moment. It's a great space and it's still my go to source when I need information but that's all it is at the moment. Nothing more, nothing less. 

How does social media affect your life? 

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